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The concept

Steligence® is a philosophy, based on science. It proposes an approach to construction which considers buildings holistically, breaking down barriers between apparently competing issues such as flexibility, economics, sustainability and creativity. It encourages collaboration between the various specialisms within the architectural and engineering professions. And it offers a range of products with defined, peer-reviewed benefits that materially help solve the challenges that modern construction presents.

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Leading architects and engineers share their insights around contemporary construction, explaining how modern steel products and techniques enable them to overcome challenges which were previously insurmountable.

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Prof. Olivier Vassart

Taking a holistic approach to sustainable construction.

Benefits Reduced cost of ownership Read more
Reduced cost of ownership

Total costs of building ownership, taking into account all economic benefits, are at least 15% less than when using traditional materials, when all components of the concept are applied.

Benefits More flexible office space Read more
More flexible office space

Using the Angelina™ beam, un-interrupted spans of up to 13m can be achieved. Consequent reduction in columns allows easy reconfiguration of office space and therefore increased rental value.

Prof. Pierre Engel

How Steligence® can make a real difference for architects, engineers, real estate developers and urban planners.

The benefits

Steligence® delivers a range of peer-reviewed benefits to architects, engineers, urban planners, real estate developers and construction contractors. Each is individually attractive; together, they create a compelling argument for the use of state of the art steel products in construction.

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Benefits Lower environmental impact Read more
Lower environmental impact

With comparatively lower environmental impacts, such as when using Magnelis®, and higher recycling rates than other building materials, steel is the first choice for sustainable construction. Steel enables access to the green building market with consequent increase in property value.

Bill McDonough

Sustainability: ethical, responsible… and commercial too.


The Steligence® concept brings together a range of steel products, proposing an approach that is greater than the sum of its parts.

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